
Danish Sports Confederation (DIF)

Sport must have a significant place for all Danes throughout their lives – in communities on and off the pitch and through experiences that excite and bring Denmark together. DIF sets Denmark in motion through sports, volunteering and joy. Through our many sports and rich culture of clubs and associations, we create great achievements and cohesion in society.

We selected the following projects to be part of the Sports4All Innovation Movement:

By: Danish Sports Federation (DIF)



The purpose of Get2Sport is to ensure a well-functioning local sports infrastructure by supporting the volunteer forces in sports clubs in vulnerable residential areas. In this way, Get2Sport provides opportunities for marginalized groups to engage in sports activities. 

In socially disadvantaged communities with a large representation of residents from other cultures, getting sufficient volunteers is often a problem for sports clubs. Get2Sport aims to support these sports clubs in order to address the social bias in sports participation in these communities.






Soldaterprojekt aims to inspire and support psychologically and physically injured veterans to find their way back to an independent and meaningful life. The project focuses on supporting veterans with PTSD through sports and recreational activities.  The project uses sport and the community that surrounds it to support the veterans' reintegration with a focus on creating social networks. It improves the well-being of veterans and helps them lead an independent and purposeful life.

School Olympics
By: Danish Sports Federation (DIF)




The purpose of School Olympics is to boost the joy of physical activity and motivate youngsters to lead an active life. It also aims to engage children with the Olympic brand. 

The School Olympics aims to develop the professional approach to children’s sports and PE. It is also a showcase for Danish sports, which can be used to attract new members to the clubs.